About Us
Jennifer Weeks Ph.D., LPC, CSAT, CAADC , is the founder and director of Sexual Addiction Treatment Services, an out-patient treatment facility specializing in treating all aspects of sexual addiction, including addicts, partners, adolescents, families and cross addiction. Dr. Weeks is a Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist and a Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor along with being a Licensed Professional Counselor. She has experience both with direct clinical work with clients as well as a background in higher education.
Dr. Weeks has guest lectured for graduate programs including New York University, Moravian College and Chestnut Hill College and previously was an undergraduate professor for psychology and biology at Centenary College. Dr. Weeks has been providing continuing education programs for mental health professionals in the state of Pennsylvania both for Sexual Addiction Treatment Services as well as for the Pennsylvania Certification Board and the Counsel on Chemical Abuse. Additionally, she has started to expand her lecturing to the National level and will be a speaker at the National Conference on Addiction Disorders this August in Missouri.
You can find more information about Dr. Weeks on her website, www.sexualaddictiontreatmentservices.com.